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* * EBRD leading renewable energy revolution >> New 4 Energia plant in Latvia >> New projects agreed by WGBC and EBRD >> Poland hosts EBRD meeting >> Armenia to benefit from EBRD loan >> EBRD provides loan to Kobuleti >> New sewage systems brought to parts of Slovenia >> Businesswomen receive welcome boost in Croatia >> Big boost for Lithuanian e-communications market >> Regional Energy Market should be established in Baltic Region >> Czech government announces new efficiency programme >> Renewable energy hits Croatia >> EBRD investment ensures green future >> €11 million loan to provide clean water to Bosnia and Herzegovina >> Romania set for daily fines of €38,000 >> CIMC opens production plant in Poland >> Slovenia aim to reduce building’s energy usage by 30% by 2030 >> Mapei announces HUF 1bn (€3.2m) investment in Hungary >> Mátrai Erőmű opens HUF 6.5 bln. solar power plant >> Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS) receives €200 million loan from EBRD >> Mátrai Erőmű opens HUF 6.5 bln. solar power plant >> Hungarian government, Grundfos signs strategic partnership agreement >> GVH greenlights Veolia’s purchase of GDF Suez’s plant >>Bulgaria opens new gas transmission pipeline >> EU gives Romania a due date to close and/or restore 109 landfills > Bulgaria Expects to Choose Builder of Gas Link to Romania > EIB extends backing to SME and mid-top undertakings through BS in Slovenia >WOOD-TEC 2015: 14th International Fair for Wood and Furniture Industry in Brno > Laesti raises more capital for Sauga sawmill in Pärnu, Estonia > Poland’s BZ WBK Lease gets loan of €50 million for sustainable energy projects >Bosch invests HUF 9.3 billion in plant expansion > EBRD increases backing for sustainable energy in the Slovak Republic > EBRD targets increased energy savings in Ukraine >> EBRD and EU aim to and develop the water and wastewater services in Romania’s Ilfov County >> Enea to purchase an additional wind farm in CEE >> UPB Energy to build a EUR 30 biomass energy plant in Latvia >> REC celebrates 25 years, embarks on route for the foreseeable future >> Low-carbon city forum focuses on green development >> WIL has many years of expertise in the tyre recycling business >>EBRD and EU look to improve Kazakhstan’s long term source of water >> REC celebrates 25 years, embarks on route for the foreseeable future >> WIL has many years of expertise in the tyre recycling business > RWE to expand wind power portfolio in Poland > Environment : EU Commission brings POLAND and SLOVENIA to The court for e-waste failings >EUR 35 mln will be invested in a Romanian eco-residential complex >> Brodosplit Shipyard in the Adriatic port of Split >> EBRD Transition Report 2013: Emerging economies can break through reform stagnation >> Finish company Fiskars thanks MOL for 350% increase in sales >> Ikea largest store in Poland is completed in Wrocław >> EBRD extends extra €15 million to Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) for energy efficiency projects >> Growth returns to Central Europe as eurozone exits recession >> EBRD considers financing first major wind farm in Kazakhstan >> Immochan plans to build shopping centers in CEE >> Swiss electric giant LEM opened a new high-tech factory in Bulgaria >>EBRD lends Rb 1.7 billion to UniCredit Leasing Russia for energy efficiency >> Water supply and wastewater treatment in mid-sized municipalities in Serbia funded >> EBRD strengthens drive for energy efficiency >> Agreements with close Kazakhstan , Agreements with Taiwan developing >> Taiwan working closer with the EBRD on investments in Central Eastern Europe to help find Partners >> EBRD and Ministry support small business in Russian Far East >> Germany building a lead in Ukraine >> Enel Green Power builds a new interconnected PV plant in Romania >> Joint IFI Action Plan for Growth prepares emerging Europe for “competitive and prosperous future” >> China and Poland now connected by new Cargo Train links >> Poland the best economic performer in Europe during the last 20 years >> Poland:luxury goods sales increasing in Poland >> IFIs on track to deliver on investments for growth in Central and South Eastern Europe >> EBRD hails success of St. Petersburg clean river project >> EBRD channels €15.5 million to support major biomass project in Ukraine >> E-Commerce giant investing in Poland >> EBRD co-finances expansion of PEPSA wind farms in Poland >> Is Emerging Europe becoming a “new safe haven”? >> Eastern Partnership transport ministers meet at EIB >> EIB continues to support the upgrading of Sofia’s municipal infrastructure >> EIB supports more efficient power generation and emissions reductions in Russia >>EBRD backs Russian oil-field services company’s Eurobond >> EBRD supports renewable energy project in southern Ukraine >> EBRD President seeks more Asian investment in EBRD region >>New Trade and Banking deals between China and Hungary >> Taiwan Taipei China and the EBRD >> China Invests more into Bulgaria >> EBRD steps up support for energy efficiency investments in Belarus >> Clean water for Romania’s Bihor county >> EBRD issues US$ 250 million “Green Bond” >> Water and wastewater modernisation in Dolj >> EBRD supports bottled water producer in Azerbaijan >> Report: The Waste Water Industry of Poland >> Hyundai looking to invest in Waste Treatment in Serbia >> EBRD invests in Russian IT outsourcing provider MAYKOR >> Joint investment with the Russian Direct Investment Fund and CapMan Russia II Fund >> €10 million loan for Albania’s Credins Bank >> Garbage Management Is a Problem in Russia >> Eastern Europe countries must invest in the economic upturn-GfK >> EBRD supports energy efficiency lending and trade >> Serbia’s economy reindustrialization strategy includes the development of IT >> Rompetrol wins US$1.1bn contract to modernise Kazakh refinery >> EBRD helps Ecoprod generate power from biogas >> The largest oil and gas mine in Poland launched >> Ukraine government approves Energy Strategy until 2030 >> Romania aims to raise €600m from Romgaz IPO in November 2013 >> Non-residents’ direct investment in Romania estimated at EUR 666 million >> EBRD helps Ecoprod generate power from biogas Ukrainian agribusiness firm turns waste into electricity >> US-based AECOM and South Korea’s Hyundai Engineering & Construction are interested in developing major Romanian infrastructure projects >> Energy efficiency investments to boost Podravka’s competitiveness >> Alstom was awarded a €100 million contract to supply 6 Francis turbine-generator units and auxiliaries in Albania >>> €190 million in loans for wood processor Kronospan Funding for facilities in Belarus and Russia to develop forestry sector >> EBRD boosts COSMOTE in Romania’s 4G race €225 million loan for better infrastructure in telecoms sector >> Improving the sustainability of SPAR Slovenija EBRD to provide to €40 million loan to support retailer’s development >> Germany will provide EUR 35 million in support for two energy projects of FYR Macedonian Power Plants >> New EBRD loan encourages Romanian SMEs to invest in energy efficiency €10 million to UniCredit Tiriac Bank to help the private sector cut energy bills >> EBRD finances water supply improvements in Yerevan €5.4 million to rehabilitate water supply infrastructure operated by Yerevan Djur CJSC >> EBRD 10-year loan for main city on Sakhalin island First major investment in decades for district heating system EBRD is driving energy efficiency in Moldovan households >> Romania passes law backing Nabucco gas pipeline project >> Hungary, Austria, Romania and Bulgaria back Nabucco West over TAP rival >> EDF plans €300m investment in Rybnik plant modernisation (Poland) >> Romania approves cut in green certificates and renewable incentives >> EBRD President Sir Suma Chakrabarti says corruption is deterring investment >> FYR Macedonia investment opportunities presented in Malaysia >> GE is Helping Europe to Improve Grid Efficiency, Enable Optimum Asset Management and Enhance Active Network Control >> 6 million Euro Albanian gas power plant will export 70 % of the plants production >> Serbia, Czech Republic start environmental protection cooperation >> An integrated biorefinery for processing crustacean shell waste into specialty and fine chemicals underway > Gasmet: Advanced Gas Detection Technology Supports Arctic Greenhouse Gas Research >> EBRD steps up support for Romanian SMEs >> EBRD supports Montenegro’s power grid upgrade, link to Italy >> EBRD energy efficiency funding for Russian homes >> Financing sustainable energy investments for Bulgarian business EBRD supporting energy efficiency in Slovak Republic >>> €10.3 million extra for Shymkent wastewater modernisation in Kazakhstan >>> Warsaw and Vienna exchanges discuss merging to create CEE share trading hub >>> Donor funding for environmental investments in Belarus >> EU-funded project will reduce electromagnetic field exposure by 50% >>Serbia's industrial production increases by 13% >> A snapshot of ICT in Serbia >> In the starting blocks >> Poland listed as one of Europe's windiest locations >>> AIR POLLUTION Warsaw Entry forbidden >>> Donor funding for environmental investments in Belarus >>> Chinese engage companies from Bosnia Herzegovina for Stanari power plant >>> EIB may lend $1.2 bln for Romanian projects in 2013 >>> EBRD contributes to safety of Ukraine’s nuclear power stations >>> EMS takes on eastern European auto supply busines >>> Taiwan, EBRD ink green investments pact >>> EIB supports modernisation of air traffic management infrastructure in Ukraine >>> EIB and EBRD to support completion of TES-Thermal Power Plant Sostanj project >>> EIB and BCR continue to support SMEs, midcaps and municipalities in Romania >>> EBRD President Chakrabarti visits Taipei >>> EBRD and partners explore next-generation biofuels >>> EBRD strengthens capital base of Siauliu bank >>> Bulgaria’s Biomashin attracts EBRD support 3 New Wind Farms For Romania >>> EBRD invests in Lithuanian port’s future as major hub >>> Biggest ever EIB loan in Slovenia: EUR 500 million for co-financing with EU Funds >>> EBRD adopts new Russia strategy for 2013-2015 >>> EBRD lends to Ukraine’s Coal Energy >>> EBRD boosts support for Belarus banking partner >>> EBRD channels safer drinking water to more of Tajikistan >>> Head of the EU Delegation: Serbia and EU to commence accession talks soon >>> New Joint IFI Action Plan for Growth in Central and South Eastern Europe >>> Poland to get new 53 MW wind farm in Kukinia: EBRD finances a new wind farm and supports the existing one in Tychowo EIB reinforces its support for upgrading Poland’s energy distribution network >>> EIB supports SMEs in Romania with EUR 45 million >>> Hungary: EIB continues to support smaller private companies with EUR 100 million >>> Leasings up in CEE >>> Romania has 750MW of wind farms in testing stage >>> Serbia's Energy Minister announced new incentive tariffs for the production of electricity from renewable energy sources Major new gas plant in Lithuania to replace lost nuclear power >>> EBRD funds Continental’s Russian tyre plant >>> The EU agreement on climate Polish law AAU emission units defended >>> STRABAG to build Europe’s most modern waste treatment plant in Ljubljana >>> EU greenhouse gases in 2011: more countries on track to meet Kyoto targets, emissions fall 2.5 % >>> Protected areas have increased to cover one fifth of Europe’s land >>> EBRD: world’s major waste - flaring gas - could be turned into profit >>> Valcea, Romania, to upgrade water and wastewater services with EBRD loan >>> EBRD directors visit Poland >>> EBRD to finance its first solar power project >>> EBRD unleashes energy efficiency potential of Ukraine’s district heating sector >>> New EBRD financing facility for residential energy efficiency projects in Moldova >>> Giving old tyres a new life >>> Serbia - RWE and EPS (Serbia) sign collaboration agreements >>> Two new hydropower plants in Albania >>> Poland - RAG (Austria) signs deal with GazSystem for gas storage in Poland >>> Poland - Enea signs EPC contract for 1,075 MW supercritical plant (Poland) >>> Ukraine - Ukraine starts construction of 750 kV transmission line >>> Ukraine - Ukraine receives €200m loan for 22 hydropower projects (980 MW) >>> Bosnia - RWE will develop 210 MW of run-of-river capacity in Bosnia >>> ... Slovakia spends 33 mln eur on car-scrapping subsidy ... EBRD helps boost green energy use in Poland >>> ... EBRD reiterates Poland's 2011 GDP growth forecast at 3.8% >>> Geomorphological Secrets Yana River Basin Revealed >>> Imtech: strong further growth in Poland, broad palette of new orders >>> WÄRTSILÄ INTERIM REPORT JANUARY-JUNE 2011 >>> Outotec >>> Hungary 'should focus on CO2 cuts outside ETS' >>> We cannot afford to waste energy and raw materials – the informal meeting of the EU Competitiveness Council with Minister Andrzej Kraszewski. >>> Smart meter producers report huge increase for shipments in CEE region
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10.Scaner Rx
Transportor special RAYCON BULK pentru inspecţia materialelor vrac cu o lăţime maximă de 400 mm şi o înălţime de maximum 40 mm.
3.Transport cu cădere liberă - vrac
Separator de metal pentru aplicaţii cu cădere liberă
8.Separatoare speciale de sticlă
Sistem de separare sticlă special pentru reciclarea sticlei (material alimentat de transportor)
9..Detectoare de metal cu tunel (dreptunghiulare)
Detectoarele de metal cu tunel DLS sunt separabile şi sunt concepute pentru instalare pe benzi transportoare linii de alunecare..
Flake Purifier
The FLAKE PURIFIER is a multi-sensor sorting system for plastics recycling. In addition to the third generation of refined sensors for metal and colour separation, the FLAKE PURIFIER is also equipped with a high-performance module to recognise contamination, including different types of plastics, like PLA or PVC
Centrifugal separators with automatic sludge discharge
De drenaj automat separatoarele centrifugale din seria A obține finețea filtru optimă chiar și cu o cantitate mare de nămol. Până la 50 kg pe oră pot fi evacuate, în funcție de tipul de nămol.Nămol separat are umiditate reziduală mai mică. Sunt disponibile două versiuni: MODEL A-12 MODEL A-25 MODEL A-12: Complet drenaj automat separator centrifugal pentru cantități nămol relativ mici, cu o capacitate maximă de separare Cerere: curățarea fină de fluide industriale unde se cere un grad ridicat de automatizare, de exemplu în băi tratament de suprafață, sisteme de spălare, lichid de răcire de întreținere lubrifiant cu procesele de fin-de prelucrare, cum ar fi rectificat, honuit, etc
Oil separators
STA dezvoltă și produce două serii diferite de separatoare de ulei: DPS System Separatoare de faza placă, pentru separarea automată a unor cantități mari de grosier dispersa uleiuri străine, lucru pe coalescență și principiul gravitației SAF System Filtrare amendă de solide distribuite fin și uleiuri minerale străine, care funcționează pe principiul de adsorbție DPS de sistem: Sistemul DPS STA este un separator de fază placă pentru separarea statică a două faze lichide care diferă în densitatea de cel puțin 5% (ex. emulsie lubrifiant lichid de răcire și ulei hidraulic). Folosirea gravitației (scufundarea din faza de grele) si coalescent (fuzionarea picături), faza de lumina este făcută să plutească atunci când curge prin unitate, si ruleaza continuu pe. Separatoare de fază placă sunt utilizate mai mult și mai frecvent din cauza cerințelor de creștere în ceea ce privește puritatea de fluide industriale, de exemplu,separarea uleiurilor minerale din apa reziduală, emulsii și băi de degresare. Ele pot fi operate cu costuri de operare foarte mici și poate fi utilizat universal. Sistemele DPS sunt realizate din oțel inoxidabil și sunt potrivite chiar si pentru lichide calde și agresiv (pH 3,5 -14, Tmax = 90 ° C). Pe contul de monitorizare a acestora la nivel automate, acestea sunt concepute pentru operarea nesupravegheat, și în conformitate cu specificațiile Resurselor de Apă Act german (WHG, alin. 19). Acestea sunt disponibile cu izolație termică sau cu încălzire.
Industrial Piping Systems
Datorită proprietăților remarcabile anti-coroziune și rezistență superioară chimice, polietilenă (PE) și polipropilenă (PP) s-au dovedit a fi extrem de succes în domeniul ingineriei conducte industriale. Datorită duratei lor de viață lungă și etanșeitate permanentă, produse din aceste materiale sunt deosebit de rentabile.
Mechanical Engineering & Transport Technology
Plastice sunt desfășurate într-o serie de aplicații diferite de-a lungul domeniul ingineriei mecanice și tehnologie de transport. Oferind mulți ani de experiență în acest domeniu, precum și o abordare foarte flexibilă a producției și un angajament out-și-out de calitate, așteptăm cu nerăbdare să vă oferim soluții de ultimă oră adaptate la cerințele dumneavoastră individuale. SIMONA produce termoplastice semi-fabricate din PE-UHMW, PE-HMW, PP-H, PP-C, PVC si PVDF, în plus față de piese fabricate din PE-UHMW.
Butterfly Valves - 1170-4
Butterfly Valves - TZ01-4
WEY® Knife Gate Valve - SLA
Double Tubular Piston Pump with ball valve
Nămol brut municipal, de asemenea, pentru a alimenta prese filtru Apă neagră și santină de apă Paste structură fină, cu până la 15% solide uscate
Single Piston Pumps
SolidPumps Pompe cu piston sunt potrivite pentru transportul medii foarte vâscoase cu contaminare de particule solide, cum ar fi foi de oțel, sticlă, deșeuri de abator cu oase, cabluri, sârmă, lemn, pietriș, etc. Pompele cu piston au costuri reduse de întreținere și toate componentele expuse mediu, cum ar fi cămașă de cilindru, piston, tub piston, robinefului, sigilii, etc sunt ușor de înlocuit.
Combined heat and power plant, Governor systems refurbishment.
Combinată de căldură și electricitate, sisteme de guvernator renovare.
Wastewater Pumps
The Sondex wastewater pumps are the combination between high-efficiency, intelligent design and practical features. 5 models are covering the demands for domestic houses and small light industries to high hydraulic efficiencies from 18,5 to 95 kW, covering the demands of cities and industries. Advantages User friendly pump Long-life cycle High quality Cartridge seal Vortex 1, Vortex 2, Channel 1, Channel 2 and B-tween impellers Closed cooling jacket Adjustable wear ring Over-dimensioned bearings High efficiency motors Easy maintenance and dismantling
150 Lb accesoriile filetate 3000 Lb Racorduri forjate Sudură cap la cap Fitinguri Armatura maleabilă
Sudate și țevi fără sudură (Import și interne) Tipuri: 304, 316, 304/304L, 316/316L și Program: 10S și 40S Dimensiuni: ¼ -12 cm
Pressure Gauges
нержавеющая сталь латунь Низкое давление монтируемое в панель Процесс приборы контрольный инструмент Мы также предлагаем заполненный жидкостью датчики для приложений с вибрацией или пульсацией. МакДэниел Controls, Эшкрофт, Дуайер
robinete cu bilă Robinete Gate Valve Glove Supape de Stainless Steel oțel carbon
SPECTRO GENESIS este primul si singurul spectrometru ICP-OES disponibil cu un set complet de metode calibrate din fabrică pentru aplicatii de mediu si industriale - cu adevărat "Plug & analiza", fără a fi nevoie să se dezvolte mai întâi o metodă. Metodele sunt livrate gata de utilizare direct din cutie, cu un pachet de aplicație, care include sistemul de introducere a probelor, instrucțiuni de pregătire a probelor și documentație metodă. SPECTRO GENESIS este disponibil cu două interfețe plasmă diferite. În funcție de aplicație, instrumentul este echipat fie cu radiale (POS) sau axial observare plasmă (EOP).SPECTRO GENESIS oferă o alternativă economică reală a secventiala ICP și spectrometre de absorbție atomică, permițând pe cei care nu sunt familiarizati cu ICP pentru a profita de avantajele de a conduce CCD tehnologie ICP și de a folosi un puternic, low-cost și sistemul de analiză ușor de utilizat.em, sample preparation instructions and method documentation. The SPECTRO GENESIS is available with two different plasma interfaces. Depending on the application, the instrument is equipped with either radial (SOP) or axial (EOP) plasma observation. The SPECTRO GENESIS offers a real economic alternative to sequential ICP and Atomic Absorption spectrometers, enabling those who are unfamiliar with ICP to profit from the advantages of leading CCD ICP technology and to use a powerful, low cost and user friendly analytical system.
SPECTRO MIDEX este un sistem de staționare XRF, care prevede determinarea rapida, non-distructive ale compoziției primare pentru bijuterii și aliaje dentare. Analizorul este, de asemenea, foarte potrivit pentru aplicații de stiinta medico-legale. Acesta foloseste tehnologia XRF de stat-of-the-art și tehnici de proprietate colimare fascicul pentru a asigura cele mai simple, rezultatele de măsurare cele mai precise posibil într-un timp tipic 2-3-minute de răspuns. Folosind un colimat fascicul de raze X înseamnă că mostra sine, sau regiunea analizată pe eșantion, poate fi extrem de mică. Ca urmare, compoziția suprafețelor neregulate, fragmente mici de metal, și chiar acoperiri metalice poate fi măsurat rapid, precisă și fiabilă
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