2015-11-10 00:00:00
Slovenia has announced a plan to reduce the consumption of energy in its buildings by 15% by 2020 and 30% by 2030; the figure is used as a comparison and will be taken from statistics from 2005. Slovenia also plans to supply two-thirds of their energy usage from renewable sources. The 2005 figure for CO2 emissions will also be used as they try to cut down by 70% in the next 15 years.
It is predicted that €400m per year will be needed to reach the targets set in the strategy, a total of nearly €7bn. Home owners are expected to produce 75% of the sum for this project, with the private sector contributing 15% and the final 10% falling on the public sector.
It is also predicted that roughly 1.5 million square metres of buildings will need to be insulated and retrofitted each year if targets are to be reached.