2010-09-21 00:00:00
Poland is behind a lot of EU counties for it use of Waste to Energy Technology but the market is set for rapid growth over the next 10 years.
The two key counties that show the most potential over the next 10 years are the UK and Poland. 88% of Polish waste is land filled in Poland’s 800 landfill sites however 300 of the Polish landfill sites must be closed by the end of 2011 so Poland must rapidly improve on its use of waste to energy technology.
Currently Poland only has one waste to energy incineration plant just outside Warsaw which has a capacity of over 40 000 tones per annum and this can only cope with 15% of Warsaw’s annual waste. There are now subsidy’s in place coming from EU, EBRD and Government funds for companies to start importing waste to energy incineration plant technology, so providers of this technology are working hard to supply the Polish market.
By 2020 Cee-Environmental predicts that waste incineration capacity could reach 3.2 million tpa and a further 3.6 million tones could be sent for Mechanical Biological Treatment (MBT).
Cee-Environmental states that by targeting the companies with in the EU, EBRD and Government funds then you will get the best results in Poland for your Waste to Energy Technology and through Cee-Environmental.com we can ensure you are on the desk of the key decisions in Poland and across Central and Easter Europe who have access to these funds.